Valiant Retires

Valiant, a weekend mythic team known for its fun atmosphere and amazing personalities, has retired. Between the steady stream of team jokes, cringe worthy puns, and excessive gambling, this team still knew when to get serious and put down bosses. They finished Castle Nathria at 6/10M, proving they could do geometry by killing Lady Inerva Darkvein.

“Valiant was a great team that I inherited from the creators. It was always an interesting time with day by day and raid by raid activities. Listening to all the excited voices for every kill was an awesome feeling. A less awesome feeling was dropping 400k in one night as a sacrifice to the gambling gods with everyone. Each and every personality in Valiant made it something special. We would not have gotten as far as we did without every single one of those who participated!” -MagerChill (Team Lead)

Best of luck to all the members whose names we still can’t pronounce. May you reach all your future raiding goals, and may the gambling Gods smile upon you.

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