Twitch Streaming Rules and Recommendations

Eternal Kingdom Twitch Streaming Requirements

Do you want to be an official EK streamer? Please review the requirements below and talk to your team lead!

  • Please cover your chat window. This can be your webcam feed or a graphic.
  • Please display an Eternal Kingdom logo/banner/badge on your stream or profile.
  • Please link to the guild website in your Twitch channel’s “About” section.
  • Please uphold the Pillars.
  • Please have an NSFW warning if your stream will have profanity.

Please note that as the streamer you are responsible for the content and behavior on your stream. If you are unable to meet these requirements and/or are found to be violating the Pillars while streaming WoW content as an EK member, you may be removed as an EK streamer. Note: The requirements also pertain to streams of non-WoW games if you are representing EK by showing the banner or badge on your stream.

Recommended Stream Settings

These are general recommendations, not specific to Eternal Kingdom.

  • Enable past broadcasts (VOD or Video on Demand)
  • Show whatever meter you compete with (heals for heals, DPS for DPS, showing both would be amazing)
  • Fill in your bio, avatar, banners, and offline image.
  • Stream with a webcam! Webcams attract visitors and puts a face to the character.
  • Set up some bots, notifications, the cool stuff! See below.

Streaming Software

Built on top of OBS Studio, this enhanced version combines in features from Streamlabs and more.

OBS Studio
Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming

Software for video recording and live streaming, this one is not free* and not as widely used as OBS
*The free version has limitations and watermarks.

Useful Bots & Sites

Twitch Streamers Dashboard

Official information from and recommendations for streaming. Includes guides about getting started, what a bitrate is, and more!


Stream notifications, overlays, donation management, chat bots, chat games, song request, spam protection, votes/polls, giveaway management, and loyalty point system.


Stream notifications, donation management, chat bot, chat games, spam protection, loyalty point system, and vote/polls.


Giveaway management, song request, chat bot, spam protection, and chat log.

Better Twitch TV

Browser addon that enhances your Twitch experience. It will also allow you to create more emotes for your channel (great for Affiliates who are only allowed to have 3 emotes).

Gaming Careers on YouTube

A YouTube channel with tons of guides on streaming, from setting up your stream for the first time, to adding additional features and options! Highly recommended to check out.


A Twitch bot created by our website and bot admin, Sery, to prevent hate raids and follow bot spam. The bot has other useful and fun commands.