Support for our EK raiders has arrived! Here is how you can help and have a chance to WIN!


Be sure to return to this page or check out the Discord “events” channel chat next week to get more details on the banks “Most Wanted” items, answers to some of your questions and how you get YOUR ticket(s) to enter and possibly WIN!

However, we want to answer three common questions today:

In a nutshell, what is this all about?
Answer: The banking team receives donations and turns those donations into feasts and cauldrons for our raiding teams.

Who is on the Banking Team?
Answer: We have Jesseika/Tobaira our Team Lead, Anoreanna our Assistant Team Lead, Mingz and Triniem. You might see one or two more added to the team as we move forward. Don’t hesitate to ask us questions if you see us in game or shoot one of us your questions in Discord!

How do I donate to the guild bank?
Send your items through in-game mail to the EK banking toons: EKbank or EKbanker. Both toons track donations through a mail system addon that was generously created and donated to us by Teakey.

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