
Quick Information

  • Team Lead – Rhyme  – Rhyme1428#7307
  • Days: Tuesday, Wednesday: 5:00p – 8:00p PST optional day Monday; M+/loot run
  • Goal: Mythic Progression
  • Loot: Council

Required Addons:

  • DBM/Big Wigs
  • X-Faction
  • Method Raid Tools
  • Weak Auras
  • Details


We expect our raiders to have a firm knowledge of each boss fight and the mechanics that come with it.

We understand that real life happens, but we expect 80% raid attendance.

Should events outside of Azeroth demand one miss raid, options are available for players to “post out” of raid for however long they need. Earlier notice is better notice, and it is preferred that a post out is completed even if there is uncertainty. If you think you’ll be out, post out. It is preferable to be there when it was thought one would be absent than to be absent when one thought one would be present.

“No one is as smart as everyone.”

Our raiders should always come prepared; food, flasks, pots, potions, and runes are needed for success. We expect proper gems and enchantments to be in place on all raider gear and the appropriate item level for each raid tier.

Guiding principles of the team can be summed up as “Continuous Improvement “. We are always looking to improve our play. Playing better is a benefit and consequence of our play, not a cost. Being aware of our follies and mistakes, and working to acknowledge and correct them while also celebrating our (and others’) good play is central to success for and within this team.

While we wish to promote a fun raiding environment, we strive to progress in the content quickly and efficiently.

For recruitment please contact: Discord – Naishala#1875

Quantum’s Leap:

Quantum is an evolving team inside of a massive guild. Eternal Kingdom is a large community with 13-15 raiding teams active at any one time, of which Quantum is one. We’re a group focused on mythic progression and part of that is enjoying the challenge of progression raiding and coming back to the content to get it right. We’re a group of veteran raiders, committed to the team and each other. We believe in elevating each other to do our best in all aspects of play–raiding, dungeons, questing, and PvP.

The essence of Quantum is teamwork with our teammates and guildmates, and so we require adherence to the Guild’s Three Pillars: Respect, Collaboration, and Progression. Through these, the aim is to provide a professional, welcoming environment for players to come and play World of Warcraft. We do quite a lot of streaming, and some things are forever. Banter and camaraderie between friends are encouraged, but vulgarity and bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Does this sound like you? Apply: here