Zealot 13/13 Mythic Clear!
MYTHIC ARCHIMONDE GOES DOWN, THE CITADEL HAS FALLEN! We did it! This marks the end of what has been a fantastic raid tier, Zealots. We are unbelievably proud of what we have accomplished together in a short amount of time. What was once an ambition is now a reality. We knew from the beginning we had the hunger and drive to hit this tier with a certain ferocity and fearlessness and go all the way. Thank you for believing in us and thank you for playing the game the way it should be played – with fire and heart. We feel like we’ve left our own mark, made our own culture, and did it our own way. We wouldn’t be here without each and every one of you and didn’t think the tier would be complete without team shots in classic Z team style. Kill video is coming soon, get hype.
Long live Z Team
Mal & Sky
Terraria Server Active!
Our New Terraria Server is now up and running for guildies to play on!
If you are interested visit the forum!!