Eternal Kingdom Raises Over $3,000 for Victims of Hurricane Harvey+Other Storms, Runs 250+ Keys

Hi Eternal Kingdom! I sent out a brief msg yesterday at the conclusion of our event, but now that I’ve slept I have a bit more to say. 😛 A lot of this is sap because I’m so incredibly grateful, a bit of this is the prizes for carriers, but my favorite part of this is looking forward toward to the next fundraiser and how you can get involved organizing/carrying. Please stay for the ride!


First of all, great job everyone. Seriously, pat yourself on the back, call your grandma and tell her, treat yo self, whatever it is you do for yourself when you’ve done a great thing. Nothing on this planet forces us to do nice things for each other, so when we can band together and help rather than hurt, I think we’re succeeding as a species, as a planet, for sure. So good job. This is something to really be proud of, doing good for no reason.

