Team Goal
As a unique social team within Eternal Kingdom, we seek ways to build an active community outside of competitive raiding where players of all levels can thrive in a positive environment of respect, teamwork and personal growth regardless of how they engage with the game, be it keys, PvP, mount/transmog farming, and/or other shenanigans.
About Us
Eternal Kingdom began as most guilds do with a core raid team or two and an accompaniment of social members. Over the years, as Eternal Kingdom grew, we swiftly found ourselves hitting Blizzard’s guild roster cap of 999 characters. While housing our alts in Alternal Kingdom offered some relief, our community continued to grow and thus Endless Kingdom was born. We are home to our Social Team which is composed of our friends and family, raiders who have retired from raiding but wish to remain a part of the community, and players in search of a safe and fun community.
Many of our members join us through our Sponsorship Program. What is Sponsorship? In essence, it’s our buddy program where an established member of our community agrees to sponsor you by vouching for you, that you’ll be a good fit for our community, agrees to help answer any questions you might have (or point you in the right direction if they don’t know) and introduce you to some of their friends as well!
Don’t know anyone in the guild who can sponsor you? No worries! Your path to joining our team will look a little different. We invite you to attend 3 of our community events found in our events calendar to get a feel for our community and perhaps make a friend or two along the way. If you do befriend someone in one of our events, ask them if they’d be willing to sponsor you and if so, kindly refer them to our sponsorship channel so they can let us know and/or to learn more. Otherwise, let us know once you’ve attended 3 of our community runs.
Endless might be a good fit if you:
- Want a community to call home that promotes collaboration and growth.
- Have a desire to play and explore the game at your own pace while making new friends.
- Want to raid but can’t commit to a consistent schedule? Tired of pugging Mythic Plus? Do you collect transmog, mounts, pets, and/or achievements? Or do you enjoy a quiet afternoon of fishing or farming herbs? There’s an EK community event for that!
- Are interested in joining one of our raid teams but are uncertain about what our guild actually looks and feels like.
Endless Leadership
- Royal Emissary: Itzi
- Discord: Itzi
- Ambassador: Xindhi
- Discord: Xindhilou
- Templar: Starynn
- Discord: Leiajadevader
- Templar: Medarane
- Discord: Medarane
- Templar: Hyde
- Discord: Hydejekyl
- Templar: Illiann
- Discord: Night_hound_tyr
- Discord: Night_hound_tyr
Required Addons
- EK-XFaction – this is a lightweight AddOn that serves as an in-game chat bridge between our Alliance and Horde guilds on Proudmoore.
- New Members – Apply here!
- Existing Members – How to be a Sponsor