Zealot Mythic Gul'dan Kill Video

Today, we are proud to share with you Zealot’s Mythic Gul’dan kill video. We also have a version of the kill on Vimeo that is the Official Cut that is what was intended before youtube censoring (Zealot Official Mythic Gul’dan Kill). I want to thank every single person on my team for the dedication and support they’ve put into this tier and expansion. I am beyond proud of our crew and the things we’ve done together. Hopefully this video captures even a taste of the fun I’ve had – hype as all hell.


Zealot Downs Mythic Krosus

Long time no see! We finally broke through the first wall of Nighthold. Despite being such a mechanically simple fight it was surprisingly hard to execute flawlessly until the very end. We are loving the instance so far and really looking forward to wiping on something else for a change! This one’s for Tirion.
