Kismet does all the things!!

We completed all 3 awakened raids and earned our title and (nauseating) mount.

We had quite a few teammates acquire Fyr’alath the Dreamrender.  Congratulations to all of our axe wielders!!

We goofed around in Pandaland Remix for a bit, completing all of the raids on heroic for anyone on the team that wanted the achievement.

And, of course, we went shopping!

Thank you, Kismet! You are the Best!

Kismet gets AoTC with a little help from a Bee!

Kismet gives special thanks to Beewhisper, our hero of the hour, who subbed in last minute as heals on our first real night of prog on Fyrakk, who hadn’t stepped into heroic raid all tier, and who hadn’t healed a raid at all in many tiers. Congratulations on AoTC! Thanks for the carry!

My thanks to:

  • Gealsolas for taking over as heal lead. I know she spent many hours sweating over spreadsheets.
  • Mishka and Nyram for Co-raid leading.
  • Wasenshi for many hours of log analysis and coaching.
  • and all of the folks on Kismet!
Kismet Celebrates the End of Tier in STYLE!!

Kimet SoFo Rewind        (Watch Me!!)

Your day will not be complete until you watch this video.

Big Thank you to all of my team and team leads for a great tier.  Special thanks to Umbura for raid leading.  Extra Special thanks to Swoopz/Smalls for all of our kill videos, including the Kismet SoFo Rewind linked here, for our two new mascots who graced all of our kill shots and are featured in this video, and for the awesome team portrait.


Charity Stream-A-Thon Benefiting Toys for Tots

Donation and key sign-ups are now live. 

To make a donation to Toys for Tots, please click here:   Donation Link

To sign up a key to be run by an Eternal Kingdom Stream-a-Thon Key Team, please use this link:  Key Sign Up.

Make sure to check out all of our Key Team Streamers:

Thank you to all of our participants, donors, and organizers for making this such a fun and successful event!!

















Kismet gets AOTC Times 3! We might not have gotten it all at once, but we all got it (many Larion Cubs later)!

Larion Cubs for All!! So many Cubs, so little time to sneak them into your mail!

Some End of Tier Thank-You’s:

  • To Rysal our very excellent piper, without whom we would not know what we are doing!
  • To Mishka for all the time and effort he has put into this team and to the guild.
  • To Swipp for taking on the Ambassador Challenge, and to Gealsolas and Tifor for stepping into leadership.  Please don’t hate me later.
  • To Vozyx, Winnows, Odindardel, Beewhisper, Zellon, and many others for all of the material donations you have made to the team.
  • To Itzi, Toola, and Delseth for the extra pets to roll off during down time.
  • To Rehea for continuing to keep us fed and watered.
  • To Umbura/Virenna/Denirr/Taladin and whoever you may be in the future for continuing to run our achievement runs and filling in where needed.
  • And to ALL of the Kismet Team for your good humor and patience while we sorted things out and for all the musical suggestions for all of our kill shots (all posted on our EK webpage).  That was a lot of fun!!